
Drama Game: Random images

Create a story without dialogue by using physical theatre with this drama game from David Farmer.

Age: 10 to adult

Players: Individuals/small groups

Time: 10–20 minutes

Skills: Movement, physical theatre

Sometimes we can get too ‘bound up’ in the devising process. We can discuss and theorise until the cows come home, but it's not until we move onto the floor that we really start to discover and explore the possibilities. By creating random shapes with our bodies, we can unlock stories which would otherwise remain hidden.

As a warm up, play some music and ask the students to find a new way of moving around the space. Then ask them to find another way, and another, and then another. Encourage them to explore different levels, shapes, pace and energy. Once they are warmed up, lead them through the exercise below.

  • Find a space in the room. On your own, make a random shape with your body. Remember it. Now move to a new space and make a new shape. This should be at a different level to the first one – high, medium or low. Choose a new spot in the room and make a third pose, again at a different level to the previous two.
  • Next, find a way of moving between the three positions and locations. Practice until you know the positions and movements off by heart. Then, as you move, think of a story or situation where some (or all) of those movements and shapes might fit. Develop the story in your mind and find ways to bring it to life through your movements from one shape to the next.
  • Combine your shapes and movements with those of a partner or others in a small group to create a story, scene or piece of movement.

Director's tips

  • You can be abstract or representational
  • Try adding sounds or words