
Roy Williams appointed writer in residence at RWCMD

The playwright will become the college’s second writer in residence, after the inaugural holder Chinonyerem Odimba.
Roy Williams
Roy Williams - RWCMD by Kirsten McTernan

Renowned playwright Roy Williams has become writer in residence at the Royal Welsh College of Music and Drama. 

Williams, who said the appointment was ‘an honour and a thrill’, is set to write 4 new works for the Cardiff-based drama school, as well as mentor students and teach playwriting. 

The writer’s previous plays include Sucker Punch and Death of England. Days of Significance, his 2008 play in response to Much Ado About Nothing, will also be performed by the college’s in-house Richard Burton Company in the spring of 2022. 

RWCMD director of drama performance, Jonathan Munby, said: ‘Roy is one of the country’s most celebrated and important writers.'

‘I can’t wait for him to join us at the college and for the students to benefit from his insight, generosity and brilliance as an artist and activist. His role is a vital element of our commitment to give each student a world-class training that is rigorous, relevant and responsible.’