The year-long project has three focus areas: work experience opportunities, a teacher conference and emerging artist commissions.
Sura Nualpradid / Adobe Stock

Charity Get Into Theatre has partnered with Ambassador Theatre Group to launch a nationwide scheme to improve access to jobs in the arts and increase diversity in the sector. 

The scheme, called Work in Theatre, will offer resources to teachers alongside supporting young people who want to break into theatre and is sponsored by Arts Council England. 

The year-long project has three focus areas:

  • Work in Theatre Experience will be a careers learning programme offered in local schools
  • The Work in Theatre Teacher conference will be a digital and in-person CPD event for teachers from targeting state schools
  • Work in Theatre Commissions will invite emerging creative practitioners from under-represented backgrounds within each region 

Running until April 2024, the initiative aims to reach more than 30,000 young people, teachers and freelance artists, hosting activities across 15 ATG venues and online resources and activities on Get Into Theatre’s website. 

On the project, Get Into Theatre director Alex Duarte-Davies says: ‘This collaboration with ATG will see those doors opened wide and ensure that young people from all backgrounds are given the same opportunities to "get into theatre", as well as supporting teachers to confidently offer meaningful and up-to-date guidance to their students.’